Now There’s a Good Idea…

The pastor of a church developed a stop complaining campaign that has received lots of recent press.  See details at


The program was featured on CBS’s Sunday Morning this morning, and the pastor has been interviewed on the Ian and Margery morning radio show that I listen to.  The program goes something like this:  You wear a bracelet and move the bracelet to your other arm every time you catch yourself complaining.  The goal is to go 21 days with the bracelet on the same arm. 


As someone who recently went a week requiring employees to deposit a positive comment for every complaint they fired into my office, I thought this was something that could be worthwhile.  I generally dislike complaining and like those who take a “well do something!” attitude.  I thought this was worthwhile until I heard that sarcasm is not allowed!  Now there’s a good idea!!!!  Seriously??  Mara without sarcasm is like french fries without salt; a steak without wine, Milli without Vanilli (not sure where that came from?), Reagan without Rylee, you get the picture…

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1 Response to Now There’s a Good Idea…

  1. Erin says:

    I was going to blog about this as well… yes, no sarcasm would be hard for me as well.  And my favorite bit of sarcasm from the weekend…
    Reagan (althought it could have very well have been Rylee) lost her Easter egg with her money she got from the Easter egg hunt.  She was looking all around for it and went upstairs to look.  When she came down Grandma Beth asked her, "Did you find it (insert correct twin name here)?"  And she so quickly replied "Do you see an egg in my hand?"  Now, the good parenting moment would be to say its not nice to be a smart ass to Grandma, but nope…all of us just sat there and died with laughter.  Ahh, funny stuff.
    I think my wrists would get chaffed from moving the bracelet back and forth, I think I’ll pass and keep my sarcasm.

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